We have partnered with Happy Returns to offer box-free, printer-free sustainable returns. Start your return online here. Simply select the items you wish to return, and tell us why. Then, locate a Happy Returns location near you and use the QR code to complete your return drop-off in less than a minute. Please note your QR code will be valid at any Happy Returns location.
Your refund or store credit will be initiated at drop-off, as the Happy Returns associate will quality check your items and make sure you are returning the same items you have registered.
Your return QR will expire if you don't drop your item(s) off with Happy Returns within 30 days. Please note, you must also return within the return time frame stated in our T&Cs.
If there’s not a Happy Returns hub nearby, you can opt for our USPS label option instead.
Happy Return Fees:
- Refund - $7.99
- Store Credit - Free
USPS Label Fees:
- Refund - $9.99
- Store Credit - $2.99
Exchanges are temporarily unavailable. Sorry for any inconvenience!